We all know the effect coronavirus can have on our health. But what about the impact on our hair? Hair experts – called trichologists – report two ways in which COVID-19 can generate greater-than-normal hair loss, these being…
1. Cumulative hair shedding
While lockdown measures are easing now for most of us, there are still local restrictions in place throughout the UK and many people aren’t yet venturing into the office for work or even going out much to socialise. In other words, we’re still spending the biggest proportion of our time at home.
As such, our regular hair maintenance schedule has gone out of the window somewhat. Less pressure to look our best has resulted in a relaxation of our hair regime – that’s washing, brushing and styling.
You see, every time we do the above, we shed a certain amount of hair. Up to 100 hairs per wash, we’re led to believe. Doing it less means we shed more in one go because of the build up in between times.
The important thing is not to worry about this accumulated hair fall. Instead, switch back to your normal timings to fix the problem. It’s also better for your hair and scalp to keep them clean and healthy anyway.
2. Hair loss after contracting COVID-19
At the opposite end of the spectrum, some survivors of COVID-19 claim to have suffered more extreme hair loss both during and after the infection. A consistently high temperature is one of many symptoms of coronavirus. Fevers almost always cause excessive hair loss but this will stop eventually and hair will revert back to its usual rate of growth.
Similarly, those who’ve recovered from COVID-19 can struggle with psychological effects including telogen effluvium. This is the name for hair loss triggered by cortisol release in turn triggered by stressors on the body – in this case, illness.
Should you be concerned that this is happening to you, seek medical attention as the first step towards correctional treatment.
While on the subject of hair loss and hair damage generally, it’s worth noting our earlier blog posts for rejuvenation tips titled ‘Recovery for ravaged hair’ and ‘How to care for damaged hair’. Although relating specifically to harm caused at the hairdresser’s – such as burns, blisters and breakage resulting from negligent use of chemicals and hot styling products – you’ll find all manner of useful advice to get your hair in perfect shape again.
As experts in claims against hairdressers, these are subjects we know a lot about simply because we see first-hand what can and does happen at the hands of our hairdressers. Do get in touch with us if you’re keen to learn more about pursuing a legal claim for compensation.
To contact our Hairdressing Claims team, please email enquiries@hairdressingclaims.co.uk, call 0800 141 3682 from a landline for free, phone 0333 202 6560 from a mobile or complete our online enquiry form.
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