The Hairdressing Claims Blog


Is your hair vegan?
Vegan hair

Vegan hair

Veganism is growing in the UK. Recent Vegan Society figures report over 540,000 British dietary vegans and 360,000 lifestyle vegans. The former are people following a diet which excludes meat, fish, dairy and eggs. The latter comprise individuals choosing animal-product-free cosmetics and clothes too.

Now a salon in Waterlooville, Hampshire, has become the latest hairdresser’s to extend veganism to hair care by preparing and applying vegan dyes, shampoos and conditioners. Sitting above a vegan café, owner, Claire Alker, uses kitchen scraps in her recipes. In a video on the BBC website, Claire can be seen concocting a red hair dye from beetroot, banana and maple syrup. She also explains how organic hairdressing isn’t an entirely new concept as those living in the post-war years had to make use of the limited range of products available to them.

This holistic approach to hairdressing is becoming increasingly popular because health-conscious and eco-aware consumers are actively deciding to avoid hair products containing chemicals and instead opt for items labelled ‘natural’ and ‘organic’. This is both kinder to your hair which can suffer harm from over-use of chemicals and kinder to the environment because there are no pollution side effects.

We’ve written about the impact of chemicals on hair previously. Check out our earlier blogs titled ‘What does over processed hair look like?’ and ‘Be careful of over bleaching’.

We’d urge applying caution at all times and checking ingredients always, even with organic hair care solutions, whether you’re undergoing a salon treatment or buying over the counter for home usage. Just having ‘organic’ on the label doesn’t necessarily mean there are no harmful chemicals in the ingredients.

At Hairdressing Claims, we frequently help people who’ve experienced damage to their hair and scalp at the hairdresser’s. To contact our legal team, email, call 0800 970 9102 from a landline for free, phone 0333 202 6560 from a mobile or complete our online enquiry form.

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