The Hairdressing Claims Blog


£12,500 Compensation Awarded for Hair Damage and Scalp Burns: A Hairdressing Mishap in Central London

In a distressing incident, our client, Mrs. T, experienced severe hair damage and scalp burns during a routine full head colour treatment at a salon in central London. Despite her hair being in great condition before the treatment, Mrs. T noticed alarming signs of damage while still in the stylist’s chair. Hair breakage and snapping, accompanied by blisters forming on her scalp and ears, signaled a troubling turn of events.

Upon returning home, Mrs. T’s pain escalated, prompting a visit to her GP who prescribed antibiotics to manage the injury. While the physical pain gradually subsided over weeks, the aftermath of the ordeal persisted. Despite seeking assistance from various hair professionals and utilising specialised treatments like Olaplex, the condition of Mrs. T’s hair remained poor even a year later.

Frustrated and distressed by her ordeal, Mrs. T sought legal assistance, turning to us and our expert colleagues at LLB Solicitors for help. Recognising the severity of her situation, LLB Solicitors took on Mrs. T’s case on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis. Upon evaluation by a specialist Trichologist, it was confirmed that the negligent application of bleach by the hairdresser had caused chemical burns to her scalp and ongoing hair breakage, with potential damage lasting up to five years.

Presenting Mrs. T’s case to the hairdresser’s insurance company, we negotiated tirelessly to secure fair compensation. Despite an initial offer of £5,000, deemed inadequate given the extent of the damage and its psychological toll on Mrs. T, we persisted. With input from a clinical psychologist, highlighting the adverse impact on Mrs. T’s self-esteem and emotional well-being, we reached a settlement of £12,500, sparing our client the need for court proceedings.

While Mrs. T found solace in the compensation received, the incident underscored the importance of precautionary measures in hair treatments. Performing strand and patch tests, employing experienced professionals, and ensuring adequate insurance coverage is crucial. For hairdressers, it serves as a reminder not only to prioritise client safety but also to safeguard against potential liabilities through comprehensive insurance coverage.

For those who have endured similar hairdressing mishaps, we offer a beacon of hope and support. If you’ve suffered injury at the hands of a hairdresser, don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation with no obligation. Contact us today at 0333 202 6560 or 0800 141 3682, email or complete our contact form and we’ll be in touch. Let us help you navigate the path towards justice and compensation.

Categories: Case studies